Taiwan‧New Taipei
共創瞬間 探索觸動
- 多元化手法: 跳脫設計思維、異材質觸感變化及展示呈
- 深入展演理念: 重視溝通、深刻瞭解,串聯設計美感
- 生活化思考: 文化跨界,生活化角度切入觸動心靈共鳴
Co-creating Moments, Exploring Touchpoints
For many years, the New Taipei City Government Cultural Affairs Department has been organizing a diverse range of exhibitions and performances. The scope of this project includes designing promotional materials for the annual exhibition and performance and producing large-scale outputs for the associated venues. In total, there are 55 events involved.
- In-depth exhibition philosophy: Emphasizing communication and profound understanding, as well as going beyond aesthetics in design.
- Life-oriented thinking: Approaching from the perspective of everyday life to resonate with a broader audience.
- Visual design and printed materials.
- 合作單位 新北市文化局
- 專案年份 2022
- 專案地點 新北市藝文中心展覽廳、新板藝廊、美麗永安藝文中心、新莊文化中心
- 合作項目 平面設計、大圖輸出
- 內容出處 新北市政府文化局、展圓設計
- Sponsor Department of Cultural Affairs, New Taipei City Government
- Year 2022
- Location New Taipei City Art Center、NewTaipeiGallery.、New Taipei City Yong An Arts Center、Xinzhuang Culture and Arts Cente
- Project Graphic design, Large Format Printing